Customer Service
The customers that complain do so because they care. They actually want to continue doing business with you. They want you to fix the problem. If they didn’t care, they would just leave. And so many customers do that. If you look at feedback as a gift, you will realize that these are customers that are trying to help you.
Customer Experience
Why do we need to look at the Actions of the Customer (AOC)? When we see what people are actually doing, we can enhance the experience based on that.
Customer Service
I always heard that for every person that does call with a complaint, there’s at least 100 people that are having the same problem that don’t bother complaining. Now, while I’ve never confirmed that number, I can tell you anecdotally that it makes sense to me. It definitely makes sense because we have so many times where customers leave our business and never tell us why they’re leaving, because we never really opened ourselves up to hearing their feedback.
Customer Experience
A recent headline in Newsweek grabbed my attention: “Worried Taco Truck Owner Calls His Best Customer After She Hasn’t Shown up for Months.” To be fair, they had me at “Taco Truck.”
General Business
Camp creates memories, experiences, friendships for a lifetime, and really teaches you the things that you need to know to go out into life – independence and confidence. Businesses can learn a lot from the planning that goes into creating those experiences, both the intentional parts and those that just “happen” because the setup is right.
Customer Experience
It’s one thing to be focused on your own experience, but what about your industry’s ecosystem and its effect on […]