General Business
The price of Amazon Prime is going up again, and some people are mad about it. But not Amazon’s most loyal customers, who will likely not notice or care. Why?
Customer Experience
As we enter another season of giving thanks, let’s take a moment and appreciate the good things in life. Thanksgiving […]
General Business
Kim Newton spent more than 20 years at Hallmark, with the last two-plus years leading customer experience. She is now […]
Customer Experience
We cause customer frustrations when we set them up for failure. Are you creating obstacles rather than ease in your customer journey?
General Business
Success isn’t always what you expect. In the corporate world, success is defined by tangible elements – bonuses, stocks, promotions, etc. But what if success is so much more than that?
General Business
Camp creates memories, experiences, friendships for a lifetime, and really teaches you the things that you need to know to go out into life – independence and confidence. Businesses can learn a lot from the planning that goes into creating those experiences, both the intentional parts and those that just “happen” because the setup is right.