Customer Service
Social media is the first marketing channel where customers can actually talk back. This is a new concept for traditional […]
Customer Service
Twitter has once again proven that customer service is the new marketing. Following up on last year’s groundbreaking study which […]
Customer Service
For the first time in its now four-year history, Social Media Marketing World introduced an entire track at its popular […]
Customer Experience
Social media is increasingly becoming a larger piece of the Customer Experience (CX) puzzle, meaning that a brand’s actions on […]
Customer Service
As customer service has moved at a rapid pace toward digital channels in place of the telephone, consumers are using more than just words to express their compliments and complaints. More and more, they are using emojis – just as if they were texting to a friend.
Customer Service
Haters gonna hate. The word “haters” wasn’t particularly common in the English lexicon until the late 1990s, and “haters gonna hate” first appeared in the lyrics of an R&B song in the year 2000. Today, the phrase is the source of countless memes and a recurring refrain in a popular Taylor Swift song. It’s almost become trendy to be a hater, and having haters is something of a badge of honor.